SIS, Swedish Standards Institute

Visit:Solnavägen 1 E Torsplan, 113 65 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Company number:802410-0151

Site facts

Address:Box 45443, 104 31 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Site type:Main office
Employees:100 - 199

SNI industry codes

71200 - Technical testing and analysis

Organization facts

Legal name:SIS Swedish Standards Institute
Work site name:Svenska Institutet För Standarder
Company number:802410-0151
Company group:Ideella föreningen SIS Swedish Standards Institu

Economy Key Figures2014-12
Turnover (SEK 000's):132,161
Revenue (SEK 000's):5,351
Equity Ratio:45 %

Contact information

Thomas Idermark, CEO
Göran Blomqvist, Marketing Director
Fredrik Tamker, Head of Training
Christer Jangel, Sales Manager

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